Last Day of Preschool!

Story told by: Lainey

After two FANTASTIC years at Concordia Lutheran Preschool, today was my last day!

This picture was taken of my class a few days ago.

We had such a great year together!

Last night I had my preschool graduation. The boys stayed with a babysitter so Mommy and Daddy could focus on my big night!

We got to sing a couple of songs.

We had a great costume for our last song!

After each class sang their songs, it was time for graduation.

Those are my two wonderful teachers, Mrs. O’Loughlin and Miss Stahlecker.

As I stood up front with my teachers, they read the four words they had picked to best describe me. The words were: Leader, Joyful, Gentle, and Dependable.

After graduation was over, we got some pictures.

One of my very sweet babysitters, Ashley, came to support me at my graduation (as well as Evan and Noah because she watches them quite a bit).

After pictures, we went downstairs to enjoy some delicious food!

Me and Ivy

I’m excited for kindergarten! But also very sad to leave my preschool teachers. There were quite a few tears when going to bed last night because I am really going to miss my teachers.

When I woke up this morning I worked hard to pick out the perfect last-day-of-school outfit.

I was especially excited about my black, sparkly boots.

Here is the comparison picture between now and my first day of school for the 2016/2017 school year.

And here’s when I first started at the preschool.

I went to school this morning and we did a little cleaning up of the classroom, and then ended the day with a big camping party! Nora’s daddy offered to watch Henry and Brody (on his day off!) so Mommy could attend the party without having to chase them all around. Thank you, Justin!

Making binoculars.

Photo booth!

Mommy, Kindel (Hazel’s mom), and Whittney (Niki and Cece’s mom) got in on the photo booth fun!

Me and Hazel

Me and Dot

We were missing a few mommies, but this is a picture of some great women!

At the end of each day, our teachers sing us a blessing song. Here I am getting my final blessing song (Mommy may have been quite teary at this moment). I stayed strong through the song, but needed to leave quickly so I wouldn’t start crying again.

On our way out, we got to take a delicious s’more cupcake!

My final preschool picture! We have absolutely loved this preschool, and we’re so glad that Henry and Brody still get to attend in the coming years. Kindergarten, here I come!!

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